
Products and Services

  • Printing Service,
2148, rue MacKay, Montréal, QC H3G 2J1
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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  • $11 To $25,

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Meet the owner

At 17, David Cornacchia landed his first job in a well-known print shop right next to Concordia University. He worked his way up to manager and year by year learned the ins and outs of the printing business. Irked by the amount of waste and constant use of unrecycled paper, he began to envision a different kind of printing company.

In 2005, David and his long-time friend Alex Petraki opened Rubiks, a little print shop on St-Denis Street. The mission was clear: help clients turn ideas into beautifully printed materials through sustainable practices.

When its doors opened for service, Rubiks boasted no more than two printers, one colour and one black-and-white. For the first six months, David and Alex lived out of the shop's basement as they tried to make ends meet. Soon, contracts started coming in and Rubiks hired its first full-time employee.

When two years had gone by, David and Alex decided it was time to expand and opened the store on MacKay Street, a neighbourhood known for its arts, culture, museums and universities. Today, Rubiks is owned by Luc Liu and still holds a hefty client list.

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