
Products and Services

  • Women's Clothing,
  • Women's Clothing Store,
  • Vintage Store,
44-999, rue du Collège, Montréal, QC H4C 2S3
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

Era Vintage Wear,  a couture shop without the couture price, exudes owner Elaine Léveillé’s unique blend of style, experience and artistry. Elaine, a single mom, has a Masters in painting from Concordia, and while she planned on becoming an artist, working in solitude for weeks on end in her studio just did not suit her temperament. However, her art exhibitions tended to attract quite a lot of people from the fashion industry, and that’s how she ended up working with couture.

Elaine spent eight years representing designers and helping them build their brand. It was an exciting job, but from the beginning, Elaine sensed the fashion industry didn’t really suit her needs – both as an artist and as a mother of a young child.

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Editor’s Pick
Find vintage clothing at these Montreal vintage shops

Find vintage clothing at these Montreal vintage shops

Since it opened more than five years ago, E.R.A. Vintage Wear has become one of the best vintage shops in the city. The chic clothing and accessories are carefully selected by the owner and come from the 1920s to the 1990s. If you’re in need of some original evening wear, this should be your first stop!

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