A dirty, untidy garage is an inefficient use of space, and at worst, downright dangerous. If you have no idea what's in those half-empty bottles of garden chemicals and paint cans, it's time for a major clean-up.
July 28, 2015
A dirty, untidy garage is an inefficient use of space, and at worst, downright dangerous. If you have no idea what's in those half-empty bottles of garden chemicals and paint cans, it's time for a major clean-up.
Invest in a series of hooks, clips and inexpensive shelving to hold, hang and store your tools, bicycles and garden chemicals, so that your newly cleaned garage remains clutter free.
No matter how tough, most brands of garbage bags leak at one time or another. When they leak, revolting liquids always manage to find their way into your garbage bin, attracting flies and making your stomach turn every time you open the lid.
Sprinkle borax on the bottom of the bin once it is dry. Borax is widely available at hardware stores and supermarkets.
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