The Christmas tree solutions that save you money

July 28, 2015

We all love the traditional Christmas tree, but it's far from the only option. But you can deck the halls and save some money for festive cheer. Here's how:

The Christmas tree solutions that save you money

Tree farms for value

  • If you want a fresh tree, your best bet is a tree farm financially.
  • The tree is fresh, so it will last longer and look better.
  • Selecting and chopping your tree can be fun for the whole family.
  • Many tree farms offer hot chocolate or mulled wine to warm you up while you shop and chop.

Choose a cheaper variety

  • It depends what region of the country you live in, but generally balsam and pine trees are the least expensive.
  • Limit needle drop by slicing off the bottom of the trunk when you bring it indoors.
  • A 1.8 metre (six foot) tree drinks 600 millilitres (1 pint) of water a day.
  • Contrary to popular belief, don't add anything like sugar or syrup to the water.

Logging for Christmas

If you live near an area currently being logged, you can pick your tree for free. Before being stripped of its branches, the tops of large felled trees are cut off, and these simply look like small trees. You can haul these away, at no charge, along with any stripped branches to decorate your home.

Giving it roots

  • The most expensive but environmentally friendly option is to buy a container-grown, rooted tree from a nursery. You'll plant it in the garden after Christmas or in spring when the ground thaws.
  • If you have the space, you can do this every year, enhancing your property and preserving memories of Christmas for a generation or more.

Almost the real thing

  • The most economical approach is to invest in an artificial tree. Though the better-looking trees cost more, this is a one-time investment that should pay for itself within a few years.
  • You can buy the trees plain or with lights, depending on your budget.
  • Artificial trees set up quickly, will serve you well for years and are cheaper if you buy them during post-Christmas sales.
  • They're less environmentally friendly when it comes time to dispose of it.


If you live in an apartment, or if putting up a full-sized tree is more trouble than it's worth, consider a miniature tree, either artificial or real. Prices rise according to height, so small trees are a bargain.

Go for natural beauty

If you have a coniferous shrub or tree in your garden, cut branches to make inviting natural decorations. Add a bow and fairy lights strung through the branches, or pick up nuts, bare twigs and pine cones on a walk through the woods. Arrange the nuts and cones in bowls, or tuck them along the mantelpiece or on shelves.

For many Canadians, a home at Christmas needs a real tree, complete with the smell of freshly cut fir. But with these tips, you can decorate your home for Christmas, save some money and even keep the smell.

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