If you have a long-haul flight coming up, here are a few tips to help you sleep a little better so you can arrive at your destination feeling rested and refreshed.
November 14, 2014
If you have a long-haul flight coming up, here are a few tips to help you sleep a little better so you can arrive at your destination feeling rested and refreshed.
It's no secret the most comfortable seats with the most legroom are located in the premium section of the plane.
If you want to sleep well on a plane, then stay off the coffee and carbonated drinks.
Sleeping in a seat is tricky, especially where the recliner doesn't fully release or where legroom is tight.
Planes by nature can be noisy, which interrupts your sleep if you're not used to white noise.
Getting comfortable and sleeping on a plane is quite a challenge. Take these steps, and you should arrive refreshed at your destination.
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