4 tricks to speed up your cold recovery

October 8, 2015

There's no cure for the common cold, but these remedies can make you feel better faster.

4 tricks to speed up your cold recovery

1. Use over-the-counter medicine

There are many types of over-the-counter medicine that can help you recover from your cold quickly.

  • To relieve congestion, use expectorants like guaifenesin.
  • Ibuprofen and aspirin are effective pain-relievers, which lessen the aches that often come with a cold.
  • For a cough, any over-the-counter medicine that has dextromethorphan may help.
  • There are several cold remedies available over-the-counter that have a combination of these ingredients for fast relief.

2. Drink warm tea with honey

There are a few reasons why drinking hot tea with honey is so effective.

  • The warm beverage soothes soreness and the honey coats your throat to help prevent future irritation.
  • Honey also triggers saliva production, which thins your mucus, so you won't get congested as often.
  • Tea helps with the coughing because it contains theophylline, which is a natural way to expand your airways and facilitate breathing.
  • While you're sick, try to drink a couple of cups of hot tea and honey every day.

3. Use nasal sprays

Drugstore nasal sprays are great at lessening the congestion that comes with colds.

  • Be careful when using sprays because repeated use (three to five consecutive days or more) may cause something called the rebound effect. This side effect may worsen congestion instead of relieving it.
  • To avoid the experience of the rebound effect, limit how often you use the nasal spray.
  • A few times every few days will provide relief without making your congestion worse.

4. Take natural supplements

Natural supplements such as echinacea, zinc and ginseng help you recover from your cold more quickly.

  • Echinacea has antiviral properties and helps treat respiratory infections. It should be taken as soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear.
  • Zinc has properties that prevent cold virus cells from reproducing.
  • Ginseng shortens the duration of the cold and gives a boost to your immune system.

These three supplements work together to help your body fight off a cold.

Getting over a cold can be a long process, but there are some things you can do to help you feel better fast.

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