If a patch of lawn is brown and spongy and can be rolled back like a carpet, it may be infested with grubs. Find out which grubs you need to watch for and what you can do to prevent, and fight, an infestation, if necessary.
June 23, 2015
If a patch of lawn is brown and spongy and can be rolled back like a carpet, it may be infested with grubs. Find out which grubs you need to watch for and what you can do to prevent, and fight, an infestation, if necessary.
Grubs are the larvae of the Japanese beetle, June bug, rose chafer and other beetles.
To check for grubs, cut a square of sod about 10 centimetres wide and lift it up.
Country gardeners may have a built-in pest fighter: the chicken.
Afterward, you can bury the wounded stem section of buttercup squash; it will often develop new roots. Butternut squash are resistant to squash vine borers.
Check for and destroy any pests weekly.
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