Looking for a new and nutritious way to combine your meat and veg? These two recipes bring meat and vegetables together for a delicious and nutritious result.
October 9, 2015
Looking for a new and nutritious way to combine your meat and veg? These two recipes bring meat and vegetables together for a delicious and nutritious result.
The nutrient-rich filling of this dish fights chronic disease and helps protect your eyesight. Here’s how you prepare it:
Preparation 20 minutes; Cooking time 35 minutes; Serves 6
In each serving you get: 236 Calories, 31 g Protein, 8 g Fat (including 4 g Saturated Fat), 76 mg Cholesterol, 10 g Carbohydrates, 2 g Fibre and 518 mg Sodium.
Grated carrot is the secret ingredient that boosts both the flavour and the antioxidant power of these low-fat, low-calorie burgers. Read on for preparation steps:
Preparation: 10 minutes; Cooking time: 10 minutes; Makes 6 burgers
In each burger you get the following: 135 Calories, 16 g Protein, 6 g Fat (including 2 g Saturated Fat), 67 mg Cholesterol, 3 g Carbohydrates, 1 g Fibre and 498 mg Sodium.
Your meat and vegetable needs are covered in these two tasty dishes which are simple to make. Follow these steps for delicious and nutritious easy meals that will satisfy friends and family.
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