This dance developed from the Jitterbug and Boogie Woogie. It should be performed with great verve, with legs pumping and the mood of the music and the dance sassy and loud. Here's a simple guide to get started.
July 28, 2015
This dance developed from the Jitterbug and Boogie Woogie. It should be performed with great verve, with legs pumping and the mood of the music and the dance sassy and loud. Here's a simple guide to get started.
The basic count of six beats begins with a "rock step" (beats 1 and 2), followed by two triple steps that are counted 3-a-4, 5-a-6. Put on a song of jive music (such as Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" or Dion's "Runaround Sue") and feel the beat. Study the steps described below and count them in time to the music. When you have them fixed in your mind, start the music again, get up and rock around the clock till it's broad daylight.
Stand facing each other. The man takes his partner's right hand loosely in his left, holds it aloft and leads her through the steps shown below. As she follows, her every step mirrors his: if the man steps back with his left foot, the woman also steps back, but with her right and so on.
When you have perfected these steps, try adding the spins that are so characteristic of this dance.
There you have it -- follow these simple steps and you and your partner will be jive dancing in no time!
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