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When the temperature drops, it’s time for hot chocolate. This rich, creamy childhood classic gets a sophisticated twist thanks to the fine chocolatiers and baristas in the Lower Mainland. The tough part is deciding whether you want your hot chocolate with or without whipped cream!
The cooler, younger sibling to Vancouver’s trendy Gastown neighbourhood, Railtown is bursting with new cafés, restaurants and tasty gems to explore. Visit these locations for a lunchtime pick-me-up and to sample some of the city’s most delicious fresh food from independent suppliers. [Railtown Cafe photo credit: Jelger + Tanja Photographers]
Your shoes have been permanently wet for weeks, you’ve just lost your iPhone to a puddle, been splashed by a truck while running for the bus, and can’t remember the last time you saw blue sky (was the sky ever blue?). It can be tough to beat the winter blues in Vancouver, but you can find some warmth, an open seat, a welcoming bar and some of the city's best comfort food in Gastown. [Photo courtesy of Six Acres]
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