Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
Learning Centre Neighbourhood House

A sincere thank you to the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality for offering the Business Facade Grant.
Thanks to this generous opportunity, we were able to refresh and update our business signage to match our new mission and vision.
* scroll down to see our new Mission and Vision Statements*

"Learning For Life"
Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society is a non-profit, charitable organization focused on fostering literacy in different aspects throughout the communities in the Northern Rockies region. We offer literacy programming for adults, youth and families; advocacy supports, settlement and language support for newcomers to Canada and a variety of gatherings, classes, workshops and events. The Learning Centre is a support hub that welcomes all folks from all walks of life and a safe space that respects and celebrates diverse identities.

Mission Statement: The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society serves the residents and communities of the Northern Rockies by fostering lifelong learning in an inclusive and culturally relevant environment.
Vision Statement: The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society (FNCLS), a Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre, will be a welcoming, supportive, diverse and inclusive space where people can develop their full potential and envision themselves as life-long learners. The FNCLS will be a responsive and innovative leader in promoting learning, connectedness, and compassion in our communities.