Low Level Laser Acupuncture: The safe and easy way We at Bluewater Laser are very happy to help people cope and ultimately overcome afflictions, problems and issues they encounter in their day-to-day lives. We care about you and we want you to succeed. If you succeed then we know we have done our job. Our number one priority is client satisfaction - when you know it is working for you, you'll not only feel better, but you will tell others so we can help them too! We treat each client like we would treat our family and friends. Discretion is assured and each session is tailored to your own unique needs. Get in touch with us today to find out how Blue Water Laser can benefit you!Laser therapy has been used successfully in the treatment of smoking and drug addiction. The effect is to greatly reduce or eliminate the cravings. The treatment protocols are based on acupuncture principles, using laser light to stimulate the acupuncture points. However the precise mechanisms that create the effects are complex. Although both traditional acupuncture and laser therapy have each independently demonstrated increased endorphin and seratonin release, there are a number of theories and work on neuro-transmitters is suggesting new and interesting possibilities. A recently published ‘double-blind’ smoking cessation study showed sustained cessation rates far in excess of those claimed by nicotine replacement therapies. Additionally, the laser therapy ex-smokers have overcome the nicotine addiction as well as the smoking habit, unlike nicotine replacement ex-smokers who can struggle with this residual problem and its cost.more...See more text