Home Office show that last year 51,500 off licences existed in England and Wales, a marginal increase of 370 on the previous year 6 MayThe controversy surrounding the use of covert policing techniques in the United Kingdom has rarely been out of the news in recent years. Whether it is undercover police officers sleeping with female members of protest groups 14 AprilAn Overview of the Sexual Offences (Remedial) Order 2012It is a common misconception that the Sex Offenders Registera€TM is a physical register that exists and is held centrally. It is not. This phrase is often used to describe those that are subject to indefinite notification requirements as a result of being convicted of a serious sexual crime 04 AprilNew Laws Designed To Take A Tough Approach To Tough BailiffsBailiffs are used to recover debts of all sizes, from simple unpaid parking tickets to unpaid credit card bills that can run into thousands of pounds. Until now there has been very little regulation of the practices these bailiffsmore...See more text