Mode Painting
201-12 Athletes Way, Vancouver, BC V5Y 0B5
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Meet the owner

Mike Yaschyshyn has been involved with painting in some form for a long time. “It's what I was doing in university to make money,” he says. “It's a job that I kept throughout my career.” Mike used to be a project manager in the health industry where much of his work was done on a contract basis. While he was gaining valuable skills that would soon come in handy for running his own business, Mike decided to break from his career path and dedicate himself to the field that had always seemed like a natural fit.

Residential painting was, “something that appealed to me,” he says. “I had a steady hand and an eye for colour.” Adding those skills to his enjoyment of interacting with people, and MODE Painting was off and running. Since Mike was comfortable with the occasional uncertainty of contract work, committing to a contract-based business full-time wasn't as scary as it might have been for others. “That's how I felt I was living anyway through my corporate life...I thought I would slip into something that I was more familiar with.”

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