HomeREFEREE CLINIC As the hockey season is quickly approaching players, coaches, parents and officials are getting ready for another exciting season. The North East Zone Referee Committee will be hosting several clinics throughout our zone in the coming months. CLMH will be hosting its clinic on September 27th.Information on how to register for a clinic can be found at the attached link. A level 1 official is an official under the age of 16.If your have an questions please contact our Referee In Chief Brian Wareham. refinchief@clmh.com Click on the following link to complete the online portion of your registration. Your registration will not be complete until you visit the CLMH office during office hours to drop off your bingo bond cheque.The registration deadline has passed for RETURNING players. Returning players are subject to a $250 late registration fee. Registrations accepted now may be placed on a wait list subject to numbers at each division.more...See more text